Thursday, June 11, 2009

1 year old!

Bobby turned 1 year old on June 4th. I can't believe a year has gone by already.... This time last year I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out how to handle a new baby and wondering what the years ahead would hold for us. I can't believe it's gone by so quickly! On top of his birthday party, Bobby also had his 1 year check up at the doctor. He is 22 lb 7 oz (50th percentile), 30 3/4 inches long (75% percentile) and his head is still in the 97th percentile at 19 1/4 inches. He had 3 shots at the doctor and had his finger pricked for a blood test. He was a real trooper for all of it. He didn't mind the finger poke and first 2 shots at all. The last one was the MMR shot which they said would sting a little -- he didn't really like that one. But he only cried a few seconds and he was all set. We found out he had an ear infection too. So all in all, he had a rough day at the doctor, but he's taking it all like a big boy now!
His birthday party was on Saturday June 6th and he had a good time hanging out with friends and family. When he plays he makes monkey sounds, so we had a monkey themed party, complete with monkey cakes from Dainty Maid. They were sooooo good! Bobby ate a little bit of cake and opened his presents (kind of) and had a good time entertaining everyone!