Sunday, September 28, 2008


Bobby has had another busy couple of weeks. He started daycare three weeks ago and has been such a champ. His teachers - Ms. Trisha, Ms. Diane and Ms. Sandy - tell me he gets the Angel Baby of the Year Award. I'm sure they tell this to every new mom, but I like to believe they mean it! He does really well for them at daycare. He takes his bottles really well and falls asleep for them. His only problem is that he doesn't want to STAY asleep. There is way too much going on for him to sleep more than an hour. His longest nap has been an hour.... his shortest - 10 minutes! Needless to say, he is always exhausted when he comes home. So there hasn't been much of an opportunity for photo ops, execpt for when he is sleeping.

This past week was a big one for Bobby. He got his first cold and had his first sleepless night... (I'm glad that's over!) But he also learned how to roll from his back to his belly. We thought it was just a fluke thing, but he did it a couple nights this week and then again this morning for Reggie. He rolled from his belly to his back a few weeks ago, too. Hard to believe he is getting to be so mobile.

Bobby watching the halftime show during the ND vs. Purdue game. Go Irish!

Monday, September 8, 2008

A busy couple of weeks

Bobby has been a busy boy lately. He went to his first ND tailgate (GO IRISH!) and started his first week of daycare. He really enjoys watching all the new kids at daycare - so much that he barely sleeps while he is there. We're hoping that he gets used to it soon so that he doesn't have major meltdowns at 5:30 every night!

Grandma Witt reading his Cow Book

Go Cubs Go!

Go Irish!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wow, is it already September??

Oh my, how time flies.... I've been pretty bad with taking pictures of Bobby lately. Here are just a few of pictures from the last several weeks. Bobby has definitely become more active and is much, much more interested in his surroundings lately. He no longer is content with just sitting in his chair enjoying the view off the deck. Rather he likes to have lots of colors to look at and toys to play with. He's becoming quite a little man. This is his last full week at home with me. Next week will start his transition into daycare - we'll do just a couple hours at a time. Then in a few weeks he will be going full time, with mom returning to work!

Changing time - Bobby's favorite!

Hanging out w/ Aunt Tessa. Cool shirt, Tessa!

Bobby's cousin Harris enjoying his birthday presents.

Bobby's Aunt Tessa and Uncle Steve swimming in Lake Wylie
Our attempt at a picture of Harris and Bobby together...