Wednesday, December 10, 2008

6 month checkup

Bobby went for his 6 month check up today.... here are his stats:

Weight: - 18 pounds, 7 ounces - 75th percentile
Height: - 27 3/4 inches - 90th percentile
Head: - 18 1/4 inches - 97th percentile, which means his head doens't fit through some 9 month shirts...

The doctor told us we can start introducing a sippy cup and give him some things like cheerios, bread, crackers, etc. We're still getting used to the cereal, so I'm not sure if we'll go for the real stuff right away. But it's good to know we can start giving him those things. We'll try out some turkey and mashed potatoes at Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving and stuff

Since the last post, Bobby has been a busy boy. He had a nasty cold for a couple of weeks, then at the tail end of his cold he got his first ear infection. He was sent home from daycare with a fever of almost 103. However, after that, he never got the fever back, but was just a little unhappy with his ear. We got some antiobiotics and he now seems much better! Bobby also met the Iams crew at his very first Thanksgiving. We were there 3 1/2 hours and that was enough to wear him out - we left at 4 pm and he was asleep for the night! Here are several pictures of the last few weeks....

Helping me find a recipe.....

Hey ya'll!
Bundled up and out for a walk

Helping daddy with yardwork

Bobby and my cousin Adrienne
Bobby and my cousin Amy
A video of Bobby trying to zerbert like his Daddy. Once he sees the camera, he loses all focus and gives up.