Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a busy month!

Wow, Bobby has had a busy month! There are some pictures below of his adventures over the last several weeks. A couple of big developments: 1) He is starting to drop his afternoon nap so he is awake a few more hours a day to enjoy all of his activities; 2) He is starting to get more confident in his walking and we're convinced he knows how to walk - he's just waiting until he can do it perfectly; 3) Yesterday he started his transition to the next classroom at daycare. He has lots of familiar faces in his new classroom and did great for the hour he was there yesterday. In a few weeks he will be leaving his infant room behind to play with the big kids all day!

On Father's Day, Bobby helped Daddy put together his new exercise machine. He had a blast and Reggie said it was on of the funnest days he has ever had. I think we'll start a tradition now of Bobby and Daddy activities on Father's Day!

Bobby's first time in the creek. He LOVED it!
Bobby was at Sha Sha and Pop's house. He was looking at a picture of Sha Sha holding Harris and him. He kept laughing and laughing and laughing.

First time in the big boy pool. Just as we predicted - he loved it!
Splash! Splash!
" Mom - this is awesome!!"
Motor boat! Motor boat!
Bobby and Lucy at her first birthday party. They were snacking on cucumbers.

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